Saturday, March 31, 2007

Monthly Review - March

My net worth increased by 2.5% in March.

The year to date increase is 9.4%.

This was a surprising result given the volatility experienced in a number of markets in which I have an interest. Here's the breakdown:

1. my holdings of funds were down, but only slightly. Small losses in Vietnam and Hong Kong were offset by gains in European smaller companies, Taiwan and Thailand;

2. my investment in silver was down;

3. my direct holdings of equities were up. This was the source of the surprise. I still hold a few shares left over from the days when I was allowed to invest in listed companies. A couple of these shares made strong price gains in March. The gains here were greater than the losses in #1 and #2 described above;

4. my properties generated net income (rents were higher than expenses) as usual in spite of not having 100% occupancy;

5. my savings for this month were good. Although I had to pay my taxes and for our next holiday these had been fully provided for and had no impact on my savings rate for the month.

The only movements in investments this month were regular monthly contributions to Asian and European smaller companies funds.

I am very pleased with my progress over the first quarter of 2007.

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