Saturday, June 02, 2007

Monthly Review - May

My net worth increased by 2.7% in May.

The year to date increase is 15.4%.

May was very much a case of just about everything making modest advances in spite of some volatility towards the end of the month:

1. investments in funds did well. It was nice to see my Thai fund (an investment made a matter of days before last year's military coup) advance to the point where it is now showing a rate of return comfortably above the minimum needed to achieve my retirement objectives;

2. the residual share portfolio was mixed but showed a small net increase for the month;

3. silver continued to live up to its reputation as the "restless metal" but ended the month with a slight gain;

4. with all properties fully let and the tenants paying on time, rental income was higher than expenses;

5. my income was at the high end of expectations and my savings were good with no unexpected or large expenses.

The major developments were the sale of our smallest investment property and the purchase of a larger property. Neither of these transactions had any impact on the numbers for May. The sale will be booked in June and the purchase will complete at the beginning of June.

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