Friday, October 02, 2009

Our TV died

Our TV died yesterday. Although the TV was pretty old and this was not entirely unexpected it's still an expense I could do without at the moment.

The replacement has been purchased (a 40 inch Sony with HD capability and a two year warranty) and will be delivered on Monday afternoon. We were offered an extended warranty but declined. Oddly we were also offered interest free two year financing. Since the total payments under the installment option were the same as making a single payment at the time of purchase, we took the installment option. We had already negotiated our discount and could not get the shop to lower its price further.

Replacing the existing tube TV with a flat screen also meant we could accommodate a bigger screen than we had previously which is a plus.

The old TV (along with a defunct dehumidifier and a broken fan) will be taken away for recycling on the weekend. It's not clear whether we will get paid anything for the old stuff or actually have to pay someone to take it away.

Of course the challenge will be keeping two small children entertained without a TV for four days......

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