Sunday, November 22, 2009

Oxfam Trailwalker - 100 KM of hills

I finished the Hong Kong Oxfam Trailwalker yesterday. A 100 KM trek which can take anything from around 12:17 (the winning time this year) to 48 hours (the time limit). Did I mention the hills, the steep and seemingly endless hills? It was also cold, with temperatures dropping to 2 degrees with strong winds adding a chill factor. Even with 4 layers of clothing, gloves, a hat and a plastic raincoat, it felt incredibly cold through the night. At least it was not raining.

For those who are not familiar with the trailwalker concept, the original event was designed as training exercise for the Gurkhas when they were part of the British military garrison in Hong Kong. The event evolved into a charity event to raise money for Oxfam. Trailwalkers are now held in several countries including Japan, Belgium, England, New Zealand and Australia.
For those looking to challenge themselves it is a great, if somewhat painful, experience. In terms of personal satisfaction it is a considerable step on completing a marathon.

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