Thursday, December 31, 2009

Monthly Review - December 2009

December was another positive month for financial progress with both my investments and my savings rate contributing to a gain in net worth.

Here are the details"

1. my Hong Kong equity portfolio appreciated, in spite of a minor pull back in the overall market towards the end of the month. The only changes this month were the sale of Pacific Basin and the purchase of Shenzhen Expressway

2. my ETFs appreciated modestly with Russia, India and Taiwan advancing by more than a slight decline in Hong Kong

3. commodities appreciated

4. all but one of my properties was let and all tenants were paying on time. The renovation work on the last project has been completed and the agent is looking for a tenant for me (which is unlikely at this time of the year). Even with one vacancy I am close to break even on a cash flow basis and well ahead on an income basis

5. currency movements were neutral

6. I did not roll over my ELDs

7. savings were positive with income at the high end of expectations and expenses more or less in line. I had over provided for the cost of our holiday - a reversal of the excess accrual added to the bottom line.

For the month, net worth increased by 2.5%. For the year, net worth is up a staggering 75.3%.

I will do a separate post reviewing 2009 as a whole.

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