Friday, April 30, 2010

Monthly Review - April 2010

April was another positive month for financial progress with small gains on my investments and positive cash flow on my properties combining with favourable exchange rate movements produced another a solid gain in net worth. Savings were low.

Here are the details:

1. my Hong Kong equity portfolio declined marginally. There were no trades this month

2. my ETFs appreciated slightly with a small loss on Hong Kong being more than offset by gains on Russia, Taiwan and India)

3. my commodities appreciated slightly (ETF, silver, HOGS, NICK)

4. all of my properties are let producing a positive cash flow and contributing to the gain in net worth. The tenant who was in default has paid off the arrears

5. currency movements produced a gain as the USD depreciated

6. I did two ELDs over China Construction Bank and Sinopec

7. savings were positive but limited due to a combination of income at the low end of expectations and expenses being high.

My cash position is currently low due to last month's completion of the latest property purchase (a JV with mrs traineeinvestor) and most of my cash is now tied up in ELDs.

I have started making an accrual for redecorating our apartment next year.

For the month, net worth increased by 2.0%. The year to date increase is 9.1%. A good start to the year.

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