Monday, July 05, 2010

Monthly Review - June 2010

June was a very average month for financial progress with limited gains on the equity portfolio and positive cash flow on my properties being largely offset by adverse currency movements and declines in commodity values. A reasonable savings rate was achieved.

Here are the details:

1. my Hong Kong equity portfolio appreciated marginally. There was one trade this month with GDI being added to the portfolio

2. my ETFs moved in line with their respective markets to record very modest gains (Hong Kong, Russia, Taiwan and India)

3. my commodities all declined (ETF, silver, HOGS, NICK)

4. all of my properties are let producing a positive cash flow and making a positive contribution to my net worth. I had one repair bill due (a leak in the kitchen)

5. currency movements were adverse, largely due to a weakening of the AUD

6. no ELDs were entered into this month. Having used these instruments for 18 months, I have concluded that they have (at best) a limited role to play in the portfolio

7. savings were positive with income being average and expenses coming in at below expectations

My low cash position has improved (even allowing for the GDI investment this month) but is still quite low.

For the month, net worth increased 0.98. The year to date increase is 5.9%.

While the losses in May were a blow, the overall result for the half year (5.9%) still leaves me on track to achieve my retirement number sometime between the end of 2011 and the end of 2013.

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