Monday, September 20, 2010

Financial house keeping update

Of the items on my financial house keeping list:

1. all management fees for our properties are now on auto-pay. I will still have to pay the fees for September and, for one property, October manually but the end is in sight;

2. of the four trivial investments in Australia and New Zealand, two have been sold, one is subject to an executed limit order (it seldom trades) and the fourth requires me to dig out a shareholder identification number which, for some reason, is different to all my other shares;

3. the two trivial investments in ETCs remain unactioned. I need to reactivate the dormant account before I can do anything with them;

4. the idle cash sitting in Australia has been transferred to my broker where it can earn interest in a money market account;

5. I have not taken any action on the idle HKD sitting in my company's account in Hong Kong. I have several leases falling due between September 2010 and March 2011 as well as a raft of incoming repair bills and would like to maintain a larger than usual float until I am past the vacancy risk.

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