Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Hutchison Ports entitlement

As a shareholder in Hutchison Whampoa (HK:13), I received a small allocation of units in Hutchison Ports which will be listed in Singapore later this month. The cut off for applications was today (so it was a good thing that my flight back from New York was not further delayed).

Although it required a physical visit to the nearest BOCHK office to fill in some paperwork and the amount of money involved was much less than my usual minimum investment, my view was that the investment was attractive and, trivial as it was, was worth doing. Since the issue was non-renouncable, I didn't have the option of selling my entitlement. My choice was to either let the entitlement lapse or take it up.

I will see where the price settles after listing but in the interests of avoiding investments which are too small to be meaningful, will either buy more or sell in the short term.

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