Wednesday, January 04, 2012

China VTM purchased

Yesterday I added a few more China VTM (HK:893) to the portfolio.  The company is selling on a consensus forward PE of less than 5x and offers a trailing dividend yield of above 4%.  The company is also operating in an industry which is strategically important to China.

I paid HK$1.54 for the additional shares.


  1. Anonymous3:53 PM


    China vtm has fallen to a very attractive level and I have purchase a lot yesterday that it is 505 of my total holdings...

    I will add more if it add further...

    With it PE around 3.5, high dividend and a good management....

    Hold for a medium view term and china vtm can be a multi bagger

  2. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I mean 50%.....
