Wednesday, December 12, 2012

No more bank consent letters

For a long time it has been my practice to obtain the consent of the bank holding the mortgage over a property whenever I lease the property out. Sometimes (not always) tenants will ask for a written confirmation from the bank and I have always been happy to obtain it (although it usually takes about two weeks which means it sometimes arrives after the tenancy has commenced).

Today I received a call from one of the banks and was informed that they are now charging HKD1,000 to issue approval letters. My response was that I would not be paying that charge and, going forward, would not be seeking bank consent for any new tenancies. The bank officer confirmed that he would cancel the request and that the bank did not require me to obtain bank consents for new leases.

This is fine from my perspective but it means that if any future tenant wants a bank consent letter, the tenant will have to pay the charge. I will not be.

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