Sunday, August 04, 2013

Two paydays to go

Just two months to go. Right now, work has picked up and I have started my part time post-graduate studies and I am doing some volunteer work for a non-profit. While I don't regret jumping the gun (so to speak) and starting with my retirement projects a little early, I am looking forward to winding down on the work front and being able to focus properly on the new projects.

I'm still procrastinating on updating my will ... which is fine so long as I don't drop dead before I eventually get around to it.

The CMR debacle (100% loss on my books at the moment but hopefully some recovery as there is an underlying business and, if proven, the allegations should result in claims against the auditors), has been an interesting test of my ability to deal with problems. So far, it does not seem to have bothered me at all. My retirement numbers still make sense and I could survive a few more losses of this nature without my retirement being at risk. It's helpful that I have at four individual equities with realised and unrealised gains and dividends which are greater than the loss on CMR (HWL, Hua Han, Westpac and China Gas). Of course, it does highlight one of the greater risks in buying individual equities instead of funds, but I have no present plans to alter my investment strategy.

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